Is preschool really necessary? It’s still a hot topic in today’s educational world. There are those who say if your child doesn’t attend preschool they will be behind, and there are those who don’t think preschool is important at all.
Give a huge thumbs up for preschools that are becoming more important in a child’s educational development. Today’s preschool is more like yesterday’s kindergarten and kindergarten is becoming the new first grade. Let’s get rid of the myths that surround the preschool controversy.
The kids just play games and sing songs. Early childhood education experts state that play and learning to sing is important. It teaches children how to create, problem solve, cooperate, communicate, learn diversity, and be part of a community. Everyone should be so lucky to be allowed to sing and play during the day. Singing songs encourages speech and language development. Music enhances vocabulary and communication skills. Those who are struggling with the ABCs or counting can find mastery through singing.
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“I can teach my child better at home.” The Winner School in Utah has the best motto on their website, “Building winners today for a bright tomorrow.” Can you really match what preschool does for your child? Sure you can teach your child the ABCs, or a song about the Tiny Spider, but unless you take your child out an everyday day on a play date, you lose the key to helping them master kindness, respect and how to get along with others.
Preschool is an opportunity for growth and to learn to follow instructions from someone other than mom and dad. It is an awesome opportunity for learning that comes later in elementary school.
How can a child possibly remember what they did at 3 or 4? You may not have exact memories of when you were three or four, but the first three to five years are the most crucial times to give the brain the chance to make connections. Preschool is the time when your child learns communication skills, and how to make friends. Studies conducted about the long-term effects of preschool show that there are definite lessons learned in preschool that last long into the working years.
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Children don’t need to have structured learning at such an early age. As a child experiences preschool, they learn a sense of self-worth. Teachers in the Winner School in Utah teach children to help out and engage in real work. Children get the opportunity to set the table at snack time, take turns feeding the classroom pet. Children learn to put away toys and to finish one task before they start another.
Much of a children’s learning takes place with others. In a high-quality preschool program, children begin to learn how to function successfully away from home. They learn to focus, listen, and raise their hands when they want to talk.
The value of preschool is valuable. The preschool program at the Winner School deserves a huge thumbs up for their program that is hands-on and designed around children. Yes, the kids sing songs and play, but play and singing time are planned to reinforce what they learn every day. Could preschool be more exciting?